Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Outdoor loving


      With another season of spring finally here there are many outdoor activities you can now do with your partner. Take for instance a camping trip planning a camping trip with your lover can be romantic as a unique experience. A word of advice is to try detaching yourself from all medias during the trip. Yes you can bring your phone but limit the amount of times you will check it. 

      For example 3 times a day is sufficient. Just make sure you and your lover lets everyone know the 3times of the day that you will be able to take calls. Limit each phone break to 7 minutes. This will give you love birds more of a chance to explore all of what nature has to offer together as one.

      You can go hiking and have walk and talk sessions with each other go site seeing or even picnic a remote yet romantic location (near a water fall or open meadow. Or view the stars, which are more apparent than in urban skies, filled with buildings and pollution that’s most of us are use to.

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