Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Love at first sight

     Love a beast young adults try to game, mid age try to tame, and senior citizens continue to maintain. Can it be something so simple to say it existed before a relationship even started? Some believe so, others do not and believed that love is earned and that it may take more time than just a glance or two followed by a brief introduction. Allow me to donate my two cents on this topic. First I'll start by boldly stating that I do believe love does happen at first sight to a certain degree, I often hear others say that it's impossible to have love at first sight and that it's not about looks. They're liars, think about this how the hell can you know a person, without even meeting them, so love at first sight has nothing to do with wether you know a person or not. I believe love at first sight consist of two things one being attraction and the other being wonderment on some degree. Take a moment to think about your lover if you have one or your past lover. Think back to when you first met that person the excitement you felt upon the initial introduction (wether you were the approacher or the approached). Your body and mind may or may not have gave into looks and charm (early stages of love chemistry), but more than likely you did and that initial attraction my tadpole is what I like to call love at first sight.


  1. I don't believe in love at first site, but I do believe that finding a partner physically attractive is still an important aspect of a relationship. Of course it shouldn't be everything or even the majority of the relationship, but it should still be there in some aspect of the relationship when you first meet/initiate a relationship with someone.

  2. Thank you for your opinion it was greatly appreciated. I'm so excited to have a viewer!

  3. How about lust at first site? How do you distinguish the two?

  4. Lust and love is distinguished by reactions and emotions.
    If the interest causes only reactions it's lust. If the interest is love then it's emotions.
